CANNONキャノンBoard Sizes: 173, 203『FOREVER THE WORLD´S MOST FAMOUS SWALLOWTAIL』In and out of the backcountr y, the iconic Swallowtail that has taken the world by storm comes in two sizes, the versatile 173cm, and the big boy 203cm. Both sizes ride smaller than their registered length because their effective edge is reduced, but they both provide speed, incomparable float, and good times on and off the marked trail.Special Features POWERCORE II BI-LITE LAMINATES SINTERED SPEED FORMULA HD BASE STANDARD CORE PROFILECharacteristics TAPERED SWALLOW TAIL SHAPE MID-WIDE WIDTH PROGRESSIVE SIDECUT CAM-OUT CAMBER ※ご注意※・製造過程で細かいキズがつくことがあります。ご了承ください。・実店舗と在庫を共有しているため、タイミングによって完売となる場合がございます。・モニターの発色によって色が異なって見える場合がございます。